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    We support you in ensuring the security and efficient use of your information assets.

    In the Wanbishi information management center, various information assets, such as in-house documents, including contracts and account books, books, drawings, films, magnetic media, etc., are stored and strictly managed. Those information assets can be picked up and delivered upon customer request, while those no longer in need are destroyed.

    The center's high level of security ensures preservation and security of information throughout the processes of safekeeping, pickup and delivery, entering and dispatching from warehouse.


●   The advantages of our services

  ・  It enables the employment of varous types of storage management systems, such as box-based, folder-based, and sheet-based, depending on the customer's needs and frequency of use.

  ・  We provide the best solutions, by implementing advanced professional consultation.

  ・  It enables seamless information management from flexible use to destroy confidential information, as well as preservation and storage.

  ・  It enhances efficient data searching and a reference environment.

  ・  It improves space efficiency and office environment through preservation and storage outsourcing.

  ・  Remote and secure storage of original documents diminishes the risk of information loss due to natural disasters.

  ・  Our highly secure management center ensures confidentiality and security of documents and minimizes the risk of information leakage.

  ・  Dedicated vehicles and full-time drivers for pickup and delivery of documents offer great assurance.


●   Specialties

  ・  Commitment to Security

  ・  Thorough quality management focused on storage and other services are in place to ensure long-term and lasting security management.

  ・  Our Information Management Center maintains a high level of security with automated monitoring and strict access management.

  ・  Full-time drivers with dedicated vehicles for pickup and delivery of items

       → For more details, please click here

  ・  Thorough traceability

  ・  Management with a bar code system

  ・  Destruction of confidential information

  ・  Confidential information on paper and other media are irrecoverably destroyed by our business partner's facilities. Shredded paper pieces will be recycled for the sake of sustainability.


●   Items to be stored


 ・ Technical, patent-related and other documents that contain confidential information

 ・ Key files that contain personal information

 ・ Account books and notes, appendices to contract and other documents that have statutory retention period.

 ・ Various contracts with financial institutions. (account opening documents, etc.)


 ・ All library books and documents, all corporate library books and documents, magazines and journals

 ・ Valuable book collection, corporate histories, research papers and other publications

 Drawings  ・ Various technical and design drawings necessary for business
 Medical-related documents  ・ Medical and diagnostic records and other medical documents

 ・ "COM(Computer Output Microfilm)" for commercial account books and other key business documents

 ・ Documents, notes, drawings and others stored as microfilms

 Media※  ・ LTO, DLT, DAT, CD/CD-R, DVD/DVD-R, HDD and etc...

※ torage of film and other various media will be available soon. For any such services, please contact us.


●     Service Flow

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